Our Playschool day begins at 7.30am with our all day children arriving and engaging in Free Play at this time. Children can choose from a variety of constructive toys, books, puzzles, drawing materials and our 'English speaking' home corner. This changes every month depending on the theme we are doing and the interests of the children. From 9am our morning children start arriving and they also join in with Free Play at this time. 
CIRCLE TIME IS A TIME FOR SHARING! Above, Angela, the teacher for 2000-2001, and the children are using the musical instruments at Circle Time on a Wednesday. On the right, Minna, Kira and Ida-Sofia are learning a new game that Iida made. Iida is explaining to Minna and the children what it is they have to do to play her game. At Circle Time we always provide opportunities for the children to share their ideas with each other. 
At 11am we all sit down to share lunch. This is a wonderful time for the children to practise their table manners and their English. After lunch we have Quiet Book Time. This is a time for children to share Finnish and English stories with their friends and teachers. This provides wonderful opportunities for the children to discover the enjoyment of the English language and to develop their reading skills and knowledge of English vocabulary. 
At 1pm we have our Afternoon Circle Time where we look at similiar Themes as we did in the morning. Our earlier activities are available to the afternoon children and we also provide new activities for our all day children at this time. At 2.30pm we all sit down for snack time before moving on to our Quiet Puzzle Time. The children really enjoy this time and it provides them with the opportunity to develop their fine motor, spatial relations and planning skills.  |  |

At 9.30am we have our Circle Time. This includes looking at the Days of the Week, the weather, playing games and singing songs. Everyday we talk about our Theme for the week. Our Themes range from Personal Growth and Change, Family and Friends to Animals, Fairy Tales and Our Environment to name a few. Our Theme discussion includes reading stories, brainstorming ideas and words related to our Theme and collaborative games with our friends. 
After Circle Time we move on to our Activity Time which is related to our Theme. During this time children engage in educationally English based activities which vary from art, cooking, free and directed writing, cutting and gluing to drawing and games. During our Activity Time children can also choose from constructive play and our Big Table Activities, which change daily. Our Big Table Activities focus on developing the children's fine motor skills and our constructive play is a time for children to develop their cooperative and social skills with their friends. 
At 12pm we go outside for free play. We have a variety of summer and winter toys for the children to use depending on the weather. Children love the winter and spend most of their time sledding down the hill! During this time afternoon children start arriving and at 1pm our morning children start to go home. At 1pm we also come back inside to start our afternoon session. 
Also during our busy day we find time to provide two daily sessions of Finnish Preschool for the children who will be starting formal schooling in the following year. At 3.30pm we go back outside for free play and at this time parents begin to collect their children from the Playschool. At 4.15pm all children have been collected and our Playschool is closed for another day!! Back again tomorrow for lots more fun!! Attending Our Playschool  |  |